To all the amazing mums out there, Happy Mother’s Day!
We rack our brains to think of the most perfect gift that will convey our love and care. In fact, there is never really that ONE present that can fully encompass how thankful and grateful we are for everything that our amazing mums have given us.
This year, why not go beyond the conventional floral bouquet and pricey jewellery, to give a gift that is not only uniquely tailored to her but also incredibly valuable!
Here’s why an Estate Plan one of the greatest gifts you could possibly give to Mummy Dearest:
It offers Protection:
With the many tools that can be used in Estate Planning such as Lasting Power of Attorney and Advance Medical Directive, Mum can have the ability to leave her important money and health decisions to the people she trusts; especially during critical life moments that may incapacitate or debilitate her.
It gives Peace of Mind:
Mum will feel assurance in knowing the right plans are in place to protect her assets for those she loves. Let her know how an Estate Plan can be designed to ensure that her exact wishes are carried our just as she would want them.
It creates Convenience:
A proper Estate Plan saves her beneficiaries the time, effort and money spent trying to iron out any issues that may arise during the probate process.
It spreads Care:
Estate Planning means your mom can plan to distribute a portion of her estate to benefit the causes she cares about, through charitable giving that can be continued as her lasting legacy.
It affirms Love:
By encouraging your mom to execute an Estate Plan, Mum will know the depth of your love for her, and how much you respect her wishes to be heard on important matters.
At Summit Planners, we believe that an Estate Plan is the ultimate symbol of love, with the ability to keep precious memories and loving relationships alive! Do note that they should be reviewed regularly and updated when goals change or life-altering milestones happen. Speak with us to learn more about how to give the gift that keeps on giving!